Science Communication in Middle Schools - Course
Are you a researcher or science educator who engages with primary and intermediate school classes? Then this course is for you:
Endorsed by both the Geoscience Society of New Zealand and the Geological Society of London (which is the oldest national geological society in the world).

What is this course about?
The course is created to help you see your science communication engagement through the eyes of a school educator and teacher-trainer who has also spent 14 years as a full time geoscience communicator in Aotearoa New Zealand.
The goal of this course is to enhance your ability to share your passion for geoscience and awaken enthusiasm for learning and discovery in young people.
It includes a total of 100 minutes of video learning in 13 sessions, with several set tasks to be completed during the course to set you up with your own school engagement plan.
You will learn:
• What teachers want from a visiting scientist
• The significance of your mind-set when working with children
• How to shift your thinking from “what to teach them” to “how they will learn”
• Different learning styles and how to engage them
• How to kick-start your visit with a thought provoking hook
• Storytelling to scaffold an inquiry learning process
• Different considerations for presentations, workshops, field trips or multi day events
• Making a complete plan for your next school engagement
Some testimonials about this course:
“Julian provides the knowledge and tools necessary to actively engage teachers and students, with easy to follow presentations and exercises” Jenny Stein, Geologist and science communicator
“This is an exceptional program – authentic, engaging, and highly informative ” Dr Andrew Martin, Antarctic scientist

Dr Ursula Cochran, Earthquake Geologist and science communicator
“Anyone involved in geoscience outreach at school needs to do this course” Dr Haydon Mort, CEO Geologize Ltd
I have known Julian for a long time, he inspires generations of students across the country and internationally. It was about time he created a course for scientists who wish to communicate their passion effectively. This course is filling an essential gap. It is an insightful course for those who want to inspire youngsters about science and it is so much more. Julian not only cares about people who love their jobs but he’s right there supporting them to share their passion so that they can make a difference.
Haritina Mogosanu, executive director NZAN and senior space science communicator at Star Safari