Our “Discover Ancient Worlds” holiday programme finished this week, with a presentation from the participants of some of their activities and discoveries. Feedback from each of them has been very positive – particularly about the many hands on challenges they were involved with. Here are some examples:
In this picture you can see how to make a vessel float even though it has a hole in the bottom (like the drill ship). The task also required the ‘ship’ to carry a rock and still float.
We also investigated possible causes of sea level change. Here the participants are heating water whilst measuring the resulting thermal expansion.
This test was to find out the effect on sea level of melting ice caps compared to melting sea ice or ice shelves.
Back in the laboratory we split open the core and identified some layering as well as a variety of shells. Each of the participants took samples.
All in all it has been a great week for the GNS scientists to have some involvement with young enthusiasts. Listen out for the audio account on Our Changing World on New Zealand National Radio soon!