If you are a teacher of year levels 1 – 8 in the Rotorua area, you may be interested in our end of year Poster Competition for schools.

Why not see what your students think and then compare their predictions with the actual scientific results that will be known in February?
We are offering a competition for primary and intermediate aged kids to draw a poster of the bed of Lake Rotomahana, with details of what could be down there – volcanic debris, mud, hot water (hydrothermal) vents, explosion craters etc.
You can read some background information about the history of Lake Rotomahana and the aims of this science project here.
The posters will be judged for ‘best fit’ with the science results at the end of the expedition, and results will be shared with the schools and public in mid February.
The Waimangu Volcanic Valley is kindly sponsoring our competition with some cool prizes!
I will post further details about the competition here soon.