The Waimangu Volcanic Valley has sponsored some impressive prizes for our Rotomahana Poster Competition
for Primary and Intermediate Schools in the Rotorua.Area.
First prize is for free entry to Waimangu Volcanic Valley, a guided tour and a boat trip on Lake Rotomahana for a group of thirty school children and adults. (individually this would cost $77 per adult and $22 per child!)
Second prize is free entry and guided tour for thirty students and adults.
We also have runner up prizes of three family entry tickets.(two adults, two children) for a self guided walk and a boat cruise on the lake.
The poster competition is open to all Primary and Intermediate students. There are full guidelines on the GNS Science website and all completed posters are to be delivered to Rotorua Library by December 22nd..
We are hoping that as many as possible students will be encouraged to enter, and have the opportunity to think about their local Tarawera history and volcanic geology. The poster competition relates to the “Nature of Science” strand of the National Curriculum.