Julian Thomson

I am a former Waldorf high school science and outdoor education teacher. In addition i was the science educator and communicator for GNS Science - New Zealand's geological research institute. I am now and independent education and science communication consultant, working with scientists and teachers. I focus on raising people's interest and engagement with the natural world.

Christchurch Earthquake Feb 22

If you are in Christchurch and need basic information and updates about the emergency response go to the Environment Canterbury Earthquake Website. Whilst many scientists are busy at GNS Science with seismic data and interpretation of the physical and social impacts of the earthquake in Christchurch, everyone here is feeling sympathy for those still struggling to

Christchurch Earthquake Feb 22 Read More »

Posters of Lake Rotomahana

Here is a last look at the posters of Lake Rotomahana created by Rotorua Primary and Intermediate school children.The first image is the winning poster created by Kaya Henderson-Corporaal, Georgia Perham and Breannah Wakefield of Galatea School. We were particularly impressed by the careful detail and realism of features on the lake floor in this

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Pink Terraces found!

The Pink Terraces of Rotomahana before the Tarawera Eruption of 1886 (Permission of the Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand, must be obtained before any re-use of this image).  Devastation after the Tarawera eruption Yes – the unbelievable news is, that inspite of being located at the centre of New Zealand’s most violent eruption of

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