
Lake Rotomahana Seismic

The Seismic Survey of Lake Rotomahana is proceeding well this week. Whilst it is being led by GNS Science, the University of Waikato and NIWA are providing technical assistance with some of the equipment being used. The first photo shows  the survey boat being loaded with the the cable that contains the hydrophones. These pick

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Groundwater dating around Lake Rotorua

“If you want to have an insight into a society, just look at the water in the streams and rivers” Uwe Morgenstern, GNS Science’s specialist in groundwater and ice dating, runs a laboratory that is the most accurate water dating facility in the world. His methods are so precise, that they are four times more

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The White Terraces Reappear after 125 years

On 10th June 1886, exactly 125 years ago today, Mount Tarawera erupted briefly and violently, resulting in the disappearance of the Pink and White Terraces of Rotomahana, and devastation of the landscape. The former lake disappeared and was slowly replaced by the much larger and deeper lake which remains to this day. This 1880 Charles

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Pink Terraces found!

The Pink Terraces of Rotomahana before the Tarawera Eruption of 1886 (Permission of the Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand, must be obtained before any re-use of this image).  Devastation after the Tarawera eruption Yes – the unbelievable news is, that inspite of being located at the centre of New Zealand’s most violent eruption of

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