Earth Science

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The Changing Height of Mount Cook

Mount Cook  rock avalanche 1991. Lloyd Homer, GNS Science On 14th  December 1991 a massive rock avalanche occurred from the East Face of Aoraki /Mount Cook, sending an estimated 14 million cubic metres of rock in a 1.5 kilometre wide cascade across the grand plateau and down onto the Tasman Glacier. It is thought that

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Global Catastophe in a thin rock layer

K-Pg boundary layer – when the Earth changed forever The K-Pg Boundary (or Cretaceous Paleogene boundary, or K-T boundary as it is still sometimes called) is a layer in the Earth’s crust that marks a very dramatic moment in the history of life on earth about 65 million years ago. There is a huge change

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Beryllium-10 dating of moraines around Lake Ohau

Lake Ohau is one of several very large lakes in the Southern Alps that fill valleys once carved out by huge glaciers during the Ice Age. As the ice retreated, it left spectacular and classic landforms in its wake, including concentric lines of moraines, erratic boulders, ‘U’ shaped valleys and extensive outwash plains. The rapid

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Liquefaction Effects from the Cook Strait / Lake Grassmere Quakes

The recent magnitude 6.5 Cook Strait and  6.6 Lake Grassmere earthquakes were comparable in size to the ‘quakes that rattled Canterbury in 2010 and 2011.  This map of peak ground accelerations for the Lake Grassmere Earthquake shows recordings of up to about 0.75g.(or 0.75  the acceleration due to gravity). One of the notorious and extremely

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Earthquake impacts in Marlborough seen from the air

Dougal Townsend of GNS Science was part of a team that flew over Marlborough to assess the impact of the recent earthquakes on the landscape and infrastructure. Although relatively minor compared to those that impacted the Christchurch area in 2010 and 2011, there were nonetheless some isolated, but significant effects. All these photos were taken

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Lake Grassmere Quakes

Following the earthquakes in southern cook straight, the GeoNet rapid response team left immediately to place seismometers around the area, to allow more detailed monitoring and get better information with which to model the fault ruptures. This meant that when the Mag 6.6 occurred, the enhanced array of seismometers was already in place. Here is

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