Julian Thomson

I am a former Waldorf high school science and outdoor education teacher. In addition i was the science educator and communicator for GNS Science - New Zealand's geological research institute. I am now and independent education and science communication consultant, working with scientists and teachers. I focus on raising people's interest and engagement with the natural world.

Our “Discover Ancient Worlds” holiday programme finished this week, with a presentation from the participants of some of their activities and discoveries. Feedback from each of them has been very positive – particularly about the many hands on challenges they were involved with. Here are some examples: In this picture you can see how to

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Ocean Drilling science holiday programme

The JOIDES Resolution drill ship is back in Wellington after spending the last two months recovering sediment cores from off the east coast of the South Island. The photo shows the ship being loaded with fresh supplies in the Port of Wellington. The expedition was very successful, with several holes being drilled, one of which

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Dinosaur footprints discovered in New Zealand

Last week, along with several other GNS scientists, I accompanied sedimentologist Greg Browne to the coast near Nelson, to check out his new dinosaur footprint discovery. His findings are being published this month in the New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics. (photo courtesy of Marianna Terezow, GNS Science) Kim Hill from Radio New Zealand

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Our Changing World radio broadcast

For those of you interested in the follow up of our ice core drilling expedition, here is the National Radio broadcast of the story as told on “Our Changing World” on Thursday 20th August. The broadcast is about 13 minutes long. http://podcast.radionz.co.nz/ocw/ocw-20090820-2120-Southern_Alps_Ice_Cores_Drilling-048.mp3

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