
Franz Josef Ice on the Retreat

Franz Josef Glacier 2009 – Julian Thomson GNS Science Recently I visited the West Coast Glaciers and was interested to see their condition after my last visit 5 years ago in 2009. Franz Josef 2009- Photo Eric Burger These photos give and immediate comparison of Franz Josef Glacier over the last 5 years: In 2009 the

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Global Catastophe in a thin rock layer

K-Pg boundary layer – when the Earth changed forever The K-Pg Boundary (or Cretaceous Paleogene boundary, or K-T boundary as it is still sometimes called) is a layer in the Earth’s crust that marks a very dramatic moment in the history of life on earth about 65 million years ago. There is a huge change

Global Catastophe in a thin rock layer Read More »

Darkeys Spur’s rock record of sea level change

Along with Waipatiki, another excellent Hawkes Bay locality for looking at rocks laid down over a cycle of sea level change is Darkeys Spur, about twenty minutes by car west of Lake Tutira. The road is very narrow and care should be exercised to park safely and watch out for vehicles. Fortunately the road is

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Dinosaurs and Disasters Geocamp 2012

Over the last two weeks, GNS Science, with support from the Todd Foundation, The Royal Society and the National Aquarium in Napier, has been running a ‘Dinosaurs and Disasters Geocamp’ for a group of Hawkes Bay Intermediate level students and teachers. The participants investigated many landforms and cliff sections around Hawkes Bay. GNS Science geologists

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